Jack's Poem
It wasn't so long ago
that I found you, my friend,
and together we regained our growth
From a past unclear
you brightened my day
with renewed trust in love
and from each other devoted to keep fear away
Never with haste -- free from bitterness
you reminded me how simple life can be
with a soft, gentle brush to the skin
and an always willing kiss --
Do you know how it touched my heart so deep?
If I could freeze time, please know I would
Your favourite Brooklyn spot to our new abode -- you never disagreed
As long as we knew on each other we could depend
life was grand.
I only hope you realize how truly dear you were
and I wish the years -- I could give you more
Until the day you could take no more
to surrender
I pray that forever you will know, my sweet Jack,
that last unconditional cuddle, that last pure laboured breath,
I held you in my arms
to shelter you once more.
From A Canine Friend to Those who Love Him
You're giving me a special gift
so sorrowfully endowed
and through these last few cherished days
your courage makes me proud.
But really, love is knowing
when your best friend is in pain
and understanding earthly acts
will only be in vain.
So looking deep into your eyes
beyond, into your soul
I see in you the magic, that will
once more make me whole.
The strength that you possess
is why I look to you today
to do this thing that must be done
for it's the only way.
That strength is why I've followed you
and chose you as my friend
and why I've loved you all these years
my partner 'til the end.
Please understand just what this gift
you're giving means to me
it gives me back the strength I've lost
and all my dignity.
You take a stand on my behalf
for that is what friends do
and know that what you do is right
for I believe it too.
So one last time, I breath your scent
and through you hand I feel
the courage that's within you
to now grant me this appeal.
Cut the leash that holds me here
dear friend, and let me run
once more a strong and steady dog
my pain and struggle done.
And don't despair my passing
for I won't be far away
forever here, with your heart
and memory I'll stay.
I'll be there watching over you
your ever faithful friend
and in your memories I'll run
a young dog once again.
-Author unknown
For Hershey
Although I can't see you or feel you, I hope you will remember
I love you and I always will, whether it be March, May, July or December
When I first saw you, I knew right away that you were the one for me
I fell in love and from that moment on, I finally felt complete
For once in my life, I had a reason to look forward to each coming day
You made me feel lucky to be alive and I only wish you could have stayed
Your being here made me so happy and I hope that you'll always know
I'll never, ever forget you and I'll never let you go
The memories of times we've shared make the hurting start
I miss you more than anything, but I know you live on in my heart
Why you're gone; I do not know and I can not justify
The reason someone would tear us apart and have my best friend die
You were more than a dog, more than a pet, more than a best friend
You are my soul mate and nothing can help my heart begin to mend
I can't stop the tears from flowing and the pain won't go away
I love you now and I love you more with every passing day
There's nothing I would not do, there's nothing I would not give
To have you here once again, to hold, to love, to live
Your wonderful, unique character, your loving disposition
Makes me have to ask myself what led you to this position
I think of all the good times we've shared and laugh through my tears
Not only could you make me feel special, you helped me with my fears
Whenever I was feeling down, you were right beside me
Now I'm left with no one and an empty space inside me
You didn't need to use words to tell me that you cared
And to think of my life without you makes me feel very scared
Everything you've done for me, words can not express
So many things we've shared, secrets I've confessed
You never, ever got mad, you always were so kind
Another thing you've taught me� friends like you are hard to find
I hope that someday I will be half the friend you were to me
You deserve the best because that's what you are
You always treated me like a star
I wish so much that we could still be together
But the memories will last forever
Till the day we meet again
You and I, the best of friends
I miss you so much and I will always remember you and
love you.
Love always, your best friend Susie
Beri's Story
This is Beri's story, shared with us by Jerry Benson,
who hopes his family's experience of the loss and mourning of Beri can
bring comfort to others who lose those they love�
On March 3rd, 1999, I had my female dog Beri put to sleep because of
failing kidneys, and in my 61 years, it was by far the hardest thingI've
ever had to do. As I'm sure many others others have felt my pain, that's
not the subject of this letter, rather the way she was put to rest.
Hopefully others can benefit from my experience. First of all, she was my
grand dog as my daughter let her come and live with us (my wife and me)
upon the birth of our third grandson, six years ago, but she had been our
constant weekend companion since her birth in Jan. 1983. When our vet told
us that the time had come, I just couldn't bear to take her to the vets
office. I e-mailed our vet as I couldn't emotionally carry on the
conversation over the phone. I told him that I could think of many reasons
why he couldn't do what I was about to ask but had to ask anyway. I ask if
he would consider coming to our house to put our beloved pet to sleep. He
e-mailed me right back saying that he could drop by our house that
afternoon at 1:30. My daughter came over and we spent about an hour with
Beri before the vet arrived with an assistant. We gathered around Beri's
little bed, kissed her goodby and with our hands on her, the vet gave her
the injection in her front paw and in a matter of seconds, she was gone.
His assistant very gently wrapped her in a blanket and removed her to have
her cremated. We cried and mourned our loss several days, and even now,
almost three months later, I miss her terribly but take much comfort in
the memory of the 16 1/2 years of wonderful companionship that she gave
us. Sincerely, Jerry A. Benson
For Fluffy
She only had one life
Now it has passed
The pain says,
"Never again!"
But love gently and wisely replies;
"Ah, but think of all you have had
with her."
Dedicated to Ginger
I was young!
I ran like the wind and the world glistened,
fresh and new with each season.
Colourful leaves raced across the lawn, crisp and elusive.
Snowflakes danced in the howling winds,
but winter posed no threat.
I was young!
Each season blended into the next,
and each displayed its beauty.
The years passed.
Your joys were mine, as were your sorrows.
Our love grew in understanding and
I served you faithfully.
Now, out of your love for me
I ask your courage.
I am old!
My sight has dimmed.
I no longer greet each season with joy.
I cannot run and my body knows pain.
So have the wisdom, dear friend,
out of love,
to bid me farewell,
and send me on my way with dignity,
and cherish each season we shared,
For they are eternity!
Beri's Story
This is Beri's story, shared with us by Jerry Benson,
who hopes his family's experience of the loss and mourning of Beri can
bring comfort to others who lose those they love�
On March 3rd, 1999, I had my female dog Beri put to sleep because of
failing kidneys, and in my 61 years, it was by far the hardest thingI've
ever had to do. As I'm sure many others others have felt my pain, that's
not the subject of this letter, rather the way she was put to rest.
Hopefully others can benefit from my experience. First of all, she was my
grand dog as my daughter let her come and live with us (my wife and me)
upon the birth of our third grandson, six years ago, but she had been our
constant weekend companion since her birth in Jan. 1983. When our vet told
us that the time had come, I just couldn't bear to take her to the vets
office. I e-mailed our vet as I couldn't emotionally carry on the
conversation over the phone. I told him that I could think of many reasons
why he couldn't do what I was about to ask but had to ask anyway. I ask if
he would consider coming to our house to put our beloved pet to sleep. He
e-mailed me right back saying that he could drop by our house that
afternoon at 1:30. My daughter came over and we spent about an hour with
Beri before the vet arrived with an assistant. We gathered around Beri's
little bed, kissed her goodby and with our hands on her, the vet gave her
the injection in her front paw and in a matter of seconds, she was gone.
His assistant very gently wrapped her in a blanket and removed her to have
her cremated. We cried and mourned our loss several days, and even now,
almost three months later, I miss her terribly but take much comfort in
the memory of the 16 1/2 years of wonderful companionship that she gave
us. Sincerely, Jerry A. Benson
Jack's Poem
It wasn't so long ago
that I found you, my friend,
and together we regained our growth
From a past unclear
you brightened my day
with renewed trust in love
and from each other devoted to keep fear away
Never with haste -- free from bitterness
you reminded me how simple life can be
with a soft, gentle brush to the skin
and an always willing kiss --
Do you know how it touched my heart so deep?
If I could freeze time, please know I would
Your favourite Brooklyn spot to our new abode -- you never disagreed
As long as we knew on each other we could depend
life was grand.
I only hope you realize how truly dear you were
and I wish the years -- I could give you more
Until the day you could take no more
to surrender
I pray that forever you will know, my sweet Jack,
that last unconditional cuddle, that last pure laboured breath,
I held you in my arms
to shelter you once more.
Muffie's Poem
On that last day, I waved goodbye,
And looked out my window, and started to cry,
I'm sorry I didn't have the strength to say goodbye,
I loved you so much, maybe that's why.
Mom and Dad were with you, but I chose not to go,
I stayed home and cried, knowing you had died.
My heart stopped beating, the sun didn't shine,
I lost my little dog that once was mine.
I was a child when I first met you,
When I first saw you I immediately knew,
I would love you until my life was through.
Each day I think of you, I talk to you at night,
And I know somehow you hear me through the golden light,
Please forgive me for not being with you on that last day,
I just couldn't let you go, I wanted you to stay,
Thank you for growing up with me and teaching me about love,
Now I see your eyes when I look at the stars above...
All my love, Erin
"I�ll take the first one who chews on my laces,
since it�s so hard to choose among all these sweet faces."
You bounded right up and grabbed onto my string
So I bent down to love you, such a sweet little thing
I pondered and spoke "Your name shall be Bear."
Not knowing right then, the life that we�d share
Through good times and bad you�ve stood by my side
My silent friend whom I�d always confide
Your sweetness you�d share to all that came near
They�d love you and hug you and say "What a dear!"
An angel from heaven, my cherished gift from above
How could I thank you for such a treasure of love?
Through my darkest days and all my numerous fears
You would gently and kindly kiss away all my tears
When things were too much and my heart was in pain
You would be silent and present and nuzzle me sane
I rose above all with you by my side
I�d look at you lovingly and sprinkled with pride
You are silly and happy and overwhelmed with sheer joy
For my happiness you cared for, my faithful old boy
Well some years have now passed; your walk has slowed down
It�s my turn to be there to help you around
Your face has grown gentle from the passing of time
But I am thankful to God that you have been mine
Your time has now come, and I have you so near
I hold you and whisper "You have nothing to fear.
For I will be with you right down to the end
Because you are my very, my very best friend."
Yes I will be with you, as you were for me
I�ll be as strong as I can, while you are set free
Goodbye my sweet pal, off to the bridge you do go
To be young and be healthy as you were years ago
My sorrow is deep, your love nothing replaces
I�d give my whole world
To see you chew on my laces.
It is with near-insurmountable sadness and
over-whelming pain to announce that Bear died Thursday afternoon. He
went with such dignity and gentleness, just like he lived. He was
tired and he was ready and he will be forever missed...

December 1979 - June 4, 1998
Thank You For Being My Friend
The gifts you have given me cannot be seen
they are in my heart and in my soul
Your unconditional love -
unmatched by anyone or anything
The feeling you have given me which I carry within
is more precious than any tangible thing
Together always in my heart
What matters if we're far apart
We are "Soul Mates" forever
~Until we meet again~
Laurie Darling

This page was last updated on Wednesday, 18 October 2000. |